What is Libkey Nomad?


Libkey Nomad is a browser extension that provides quick access to UTS Library books and articles available on the web.

Once you've installed Libkey Nomad and visit websites like Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Pubmed, or well known sites like Google Books, Amazon and Wikipedia, it will let you know if you can access content from UTS Library and help you connect to it online.  

To install Libkey Nomad select your browser  and follow the prompts to add the extension. Then choose University of Technology Sydney as your institution. 

Currently, LibKey Nomad is available for the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Brave
  • Vivaldi
  • Safari
  • Last Updated Apr 12, 2024
  • Views 108
  • Answered By Alex McManus

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