How do I access Standards?


UTS Library subscribes to Standards from several publishers. Many standards have an AS (Australian Standard) published version and can be found on the Standards Australia i2i platform.

Access to other published standards can be found on British Standards Online

When the standard has an ASTM prefix please go to ASTM Compass

For Standards with an IEEE prefix use the IEEE Explore platform

ASME standards are located on their platform  

If you cannot access the standard needed for your research please use the request option in Standards Australia, and the library will contact you.


How do I open the PDF?

Standards include digital rights management (DRM) protection and may require a specific PDF reader, which locks the PDF for use on your device.

For Standards Australia use Adobe Reader  or PDF-Xchange. You may also need to disable a setting in your PDF viewer, to do so follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Preferences menu > Javascript
  2. Untick the Enable global object security policy.
  3. Select Apply. 
  4. When you open a file a warning box may appear. Use the checkbox and select Yes to trust the site

For British Standards download the FileOpen plugin ( ) and Adobe Reader

  • Last Updated Apr 03, 2024
  • Views 279
  • Answered By Alex McManus

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