How do I reference my lecture slides/notes/recording?
For the APA referencing style, if you’re referencing content from a recorded online lecture, from PowerPoint slides, or some other class-related content, use this template:
Author, A. (Year). Title [Type of resource]. Company/University Name. URL
An example:
Yao, J., & McManus, A. (2020). UTS College (Insearch) CDIC001: Referencing [Zoom lecture recording]. UTS. https://online.uts.edu.au/
If you are referencing a lecture that wasn’t recorded use the personal communication template instead. Personal communication is referenced in-text only, and not in the reference list.
An example:
In the lecture Dr McAlpine (personal communication, November 14, 2019) stated that iceberg size in the Antarctic ocean was declining ...
Download the APA 7th referencing guide for more information.